- Course Type National Diploma
- Batch No
- No Of Students
- Medium English / Sinhala
- Venue SLITAD Auditorium
- Course Director
- Commencement 2024-09-11 12:00 AM
- Register Before 1970-01-01 12:00 AM
- Lecture Time 1 year (Alternate Sundays, 9:00 AM to 1:30 PM)
- Total Amount 100000.00
- First Installment Fee 20000.00
- Monthly Installment Fee
- To enhance capabilities in analysing and identifying managerial concerns, particularly in human resource development interventions.
- To be a catalyst for behavioural changes and organizational development.
- To enable training in designing, delivering and evaluating HRD interventions.
- To guide and develop competencies required to be a Learning & Development/ HRD Manager/professional Trainer and pursue continuing professional development in any chosen professional discipline.
- University graduates or equivalent professionals.
- Those who possess at least five years of experience in training, HR, marketing, sales, education, IT and involve in training.
- Officers of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Police.
- Current or aspiring training and HR Managers.
- Executives who are holders of a Certificate in Training & Development from SLITAD or an equivalent qualification.